

2023-2024 全港中學學界辯論比賽

獎項 組別 學生姓名 級別
勝出隊伍 第一回合初賽 陳還羽, 劉寶鏘, 田卓斌 中二至中四
最佳辯論員 第一回合初賽 田卓斌 4B


PLHKS Triumphs in Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition!


We are thrilled to announce that our debaters, Edgar Tan, Chance Lau, and Wallace Tin, emerged victorious in the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition (Round 1)! They outshined opponents from Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School and secured the winning title.

Wallace was also recognised as the Best Speaker of the debate, showcasing his exceptional oratory skills.

Kudos to our talented team and heartfelt thanks to coaches Mr. Cameron Kwong, Mr. Laurence Finnerty, and Mr. Peter Yau for their invaluable support.


Congratulations to Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School's Debating Team!